Why do we take out the istekhara?
Mu' meneen Brothers and Sisters,
As Salaam Aleikum
wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh. (May Allah's Peace, Mercy and Blessings be upon
all of you)
One of our brothers/sisters has asked
this question:
1. Why
do we take out the istekhara?
2. Is
there any advantage to it?
3. If
an istekhara comes out negative, how many times should a person take it out
often and what frequency?
(There may be some grammatical and spelling
errors in the above statement. The forum does not change anything from
questions, comments and statements received from our readers for circulation in
Significance of Istkhara
In the name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His help and ask
for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whoever
He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. We bear witness that
there is no one (no idol, no person, no
grave, no prophet, no imam, no dai,
nobody!) worthy of worship but Allah Alone, and we bear witness that
Muhammad (saws) is His slave-servant and the seal of His Messengers.
Translation of Istakhara supplication as done and taught
by the Messenger of Allah (saws):
O Allah! I
seek Your guidance (in making a choice) by virtue of Yourknowledge, and I seek
ability by virtue of Your power, and I ask You of Your great bounty. You have
power, I have none. And You know, I know not. You are the Knower of hidden
Allah! If in Your knowledge, (this matter) is good for my religion, my livelihood
and my affairs; immediate and in the distant, then ordain for me, make it easy
for me and bless it for me. And if in Your knowledge, (this matter) is bad for
my religion, my livelihood and my affairs; immediate and in the distant, then
turn it away from me, and turn me away from it. And ordain for me the good
wherever it be and make me pleased with it.
Q-1: Why
do we take out the istekhara?
Hadrat Jabir (r.a.) reports that the Prophet
(saws) would teach us al-Istikharah for all of our affairs as he would teach us
a Surah of the Qu'ran. He (saws) said 'if one of you is deliberating over an
act, he should pray two rak'ahs and recite the supplication of Istakhara.
Related by Al-Bukhari.
Saad ibn Waqas (r.a.) reported that the
Prophet (saws) said, "Istikharah (seeking guidance from Allah) is one of
the distinct favors (of Allah) upon man, and a good fortune for the son of Adam
is to be pleased with the Judgment of Allah. And a misfortune of the son of
Adam is his failure to make istikharah, and a misfortune for the son of Adam is
his displeasure with the Judgment of Allah."
The meaning of the term Istikhara in Islamic
Jurisprudence means for a slave of Allah to ask His All-Knowing All-Wise Lord
to guide him to the right thing concerning any affair in ones life, especially
when one has to choose between two (or more) permissible and lawful
alternatives. The Messenger of Allah
(saws), whenever he had to make a decision between two lawful options would
perform the Istikhara seeking the guidance of his Lord, and he highly encouraged
the believers to do the same in all their affairs; thus seeking the guidance of
the All-Knowing, All-Wise Lord is a preferred and highly encouraged Sunnah of
the Messenger of Allah (saws).
Q-2: Is
there any advantage to it?
Performing the Sunnah of Istikhara neither means that one
will get what one desires, nor does it mean that the Divine Decree or Qadr of
Allah will change, nor does it mean that what is not coming to him will be
bestowed upon him!!!
The one performing Istikhara, by its very performance
submits and signifies his absolute and abject limitations, helplessness, and
humility towards his Lord Most High, signifies that they completely put their
trust and their faith in none save Him and Him Alone, signifies that they seek
His Help and Guidance in every affair of theirs, and signifies that whichever
way their Lord guides them, they will accept that guidance as His Decision and
His Decree and will be absolutely content with it.
For example if one has to make a choice between two women
in marriage, it would be prudent for the believer to follow the Sunnah and seek
the guidance and help of Allah by performing the Istikhara. Then the believer should send his marriage
proposal to whichever of the two woman he is more inclined to. If Allah Subhanah Wills for that marriage to
happen, one will see that the proposal goes absolutely smoothly, the girl and
her guardians happily accept the proposal, and everything just seems to falls
in place as if all by itself! When the
transaction goes through smoothly, the one who has performed the Istikhara
should know with absolute and total conviction that Allah Subhanah is Pleased
with this transaction and deed, and this woman is the absolute best woman for
him in all of creation, and He should wholeheartedly be absolutely content with
the decision he has made.
Alternatively, if after performing the Istikhara the
person who sends the proposal to the woman he is inclined to for marriage sees
that there seems to be a blockage at every step, the girl seems to refuse his
proposal, or the guardians of the girl are not happy with his proposal, or his
own parents and loved ones seem to be against the union, etcthat even after
his very best efforts the desired transaction is just not getting throughthen
one who has performed the Istikhara should realize that Allah Subhanah does not
Will to make this union happen, and he wholeheartedly accepts that as the
Decision and Decree of Allah Subhanah and knows with absolute conviction that
the woman he desired is not the best for him.
His heart is absolutely content with the Decree and Decision of his Lord
Most High, and he thus stops pursuing this particular matter any more.
There are tremendous benefits and advantages of performing
the Sunnah of Istikhara, the most important of it being that one pursues or
leaves alone the thing with total and absolute conviction.content in the
belief that if it was good for him in this life and the Hereafter, the Lord
would have granted it to him; and if it was not good for him, the Lord would
have distanced him from it. This superb
process of seeking guidance and help from the Lord Most High through Istikhara
helps the believers against indecision, regret and sorrow for the thing one is
unable to receive, and bestows total confidence and conviction to pursue what
one desires to achieve.
Q-3: If
an istekhara comes out negative, how many times should a person take it out how
often and what frequency?
There is absolutely no limit prescribed by the Messenger
of Allah (saws) regarding how many times one may approach the Lord seeking His
Help and Guidance, nor has the Messenger of Allah (saws) dictated on which
lawful things one may approach their Lord for guidance. Provided the matter one seeks help and
guidance on from the Lord is lawful in its essence, one may approach the Lord
seeking His Help and Guidance as often and as many times as one wills.
The truth is brother, that if after performing the
Istikhara, one gets a negative feeling, then one should know and believe with absolute
conviction that that matter is not Pleasing to Allah Subhanah..and it would
only be an affirmation of ones belief and trust in the Divine Decrees and
Decisions of Allah Subhanah that one who sincerely trusts their Lord and His
Knowledge, should immediately drop that idea . absolutely content in their
belief that what they desired was neither good for them in this life nor the
Hereafter, and that if their Lord Wills, He may provide them with an
alternative which is far far more superior than what one had previously
But to pursue the thing relentlessly after one has got a
negative response to their Istikhara would be an affirmation that one wishes to
get what one has desired regardless of whether their Lord is Pleased with it or
not; that would not be an act of piety or righteousness or one befitting a true
believer. Piety and righteousness would
be that after one gets a negative response to their Iskikhara, they should
immediately stop pursuing that matter without absolutely any regrets, content
in the belief that their Lord, if He Wills and Pleases, will provide and bestow
them with a thing much more superior and better than what they had previously
The performance of Istikhara does not change or alter the
Divine Decrees and Decisions of Allah Subhanah in the least; but its
performance and the obedience of its response only affirms the unconditional
trust and belief a believer keeps in the Decisions of their Lord Most High,
Most Supreme.
Whatever written of Truth and benefit is only due to
Allahs Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error is of me alone. Allah Alone Knows Best and He is the Only
Source of Strength.
Your brother and
well wisher in Islam,